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Enrollment Process


1. Peruse our website to gain an understanding of our Charlotte Mason philosophy, the role parents play in our community gatherings and what is covered during lessons. Please reach out with any questions via Contact Us!

2. Complete the Pre-Meeting Form

3. Meet with a Board Member to review the 2024-2025 Community Gathering Guide which details out our plans for the upcoming school year. We'll share things like our vision and mission for Apiary Collective Co., review parental expectations and responsibilities, student work during community gathering days and at home, go over our statement of faith, and more. It is a time for you to hear our heart, learn more about us and ask questions.

4. Attend an Open House Community Gathering. 

5. Both our Board and the perspective family will pray about the family committing and joining Apiary Collective Co. for the 2024-2025 school year.

6. Apiary Collective Co. Board will extend an invitation to the perspective to complete the Enrollment Form to join.