If you are a current Apiary Collective Co. family and wish to re-enroll for the upcoming school year, please complete the following form.
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If you contact information has changed for you or your spouse (phone number, address, etc.) please share the updated information below. |
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Please enter the following information for each of your students, including nursery-toddler children.
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The Purpose of Apiary Collective Co.
- Apiary Collective is a Christ-centered community that is grounded in Biblical truth, aiming to nurture our children in the Lord by providing community gatherings of core and enrichment studies to be an integral part of your family's homeschool year by cultivating a life-long love of learning and appreciation for God's created order and beauty.
The Vision of Apiary Collective Co.
- We gather as a Christ-centered community that is grounded in Biblical truth and values, and studies God's infallible Word during community gatherings.
- We employ the methods of Charlotte Mason and Classical educational philosophies.
- We share the responsibility of teaching among the parents as each mother commits to play an active role in community gatherings by teaching and/or assisting.
- We desire our students to gain an understanding of science, geography and literature from a Biblical perspective, using living books, and experiencing a beautiful feast of artist study, nature study, art lessons, music, etc.
- We promote discovering God’s world through group learning by way of collaboration, participation, narration, discussion, and hands-on learning.
- We strive to forge friendships, encourage one another, study Charlotte Mason and Classical methods, ask questions, and share ideas as a community.
- We cultivate a life-long love of learning and appreciation for God’s created order and beauty in our students.
By wisdom a house is built, and by understanding it is established; by knowledge the rooms are filled with all precious and pleasant riches. Proverbs 24:3-4
By clicking "I agree" below you are acknowledging you understand the vison of Apiary Collective Co. |
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Taking the vision of Apiary Collective Co. to heart, we have come up with a Code of Conduct to help us navigate as we come together as a group. We all come from different backgrounds and have varying degrees of standards, but we all strive to raise our kids in the Lord and to prepare them to be ready to face the challenges ahead of them in a godly way. We have found that laying out some guidelines will help us work together at all our gatherings/events. Below you will find our required Code of Conduct, which we ask families to abide by at community gatherings and Apiary Collective Co. events. We also think these are great guidelines to come back to as common ground when interacting with each other outside of Apiary Collective Co. settings. Apiary Collective Co. leadership will only deal directly with those issues that are at community gatherings or at Apiary Collective Co. events. For other issues we ask that parents deal individually with families/students and use this Code of Conduct as a guide. We ask parents to observe the following when bringing situations or issues regarding anything within Apiary Collective Co. to the Apiary Collective Co. Board of Directors:
We ask parents to observe the following when bringing situations or issues regarding anything within our community to the Apiary Collective Co. Board:
- Follow Matthew 18:15-20 for conflict resolution.
- If you have a concern or would like the Board to address an issue, please email [email protected]
- If an issue arises and you are unsure of how to proceed, bring it directly to any board member.
- Think the best of people and work toward resolution in all things. Avoid talking about others negatively.
- Remember we are part of the body of Christ and here to serve our children.
As a community of cooperative homeschooling parents, we ask all attending parents to be involved in some capacity. This will also ensure parental participation and commitment to our group for the entire school year. This does mean that you come prepared to teach or assist each week. Books will be provided to the lesson teacher by Apiary Collective Co. All teacher books will be returned to the community at the end of the school year. We will provide direction on what we are looking to teach but the actual weekly content and lessons will be up to you based on the curriculum selections. As a part of Apiary Collective Co., I agree to:
Every participating parent will:
- Submit to a background check.
- Commit to the community for the entire school year (unless unforeseen circumstances arise, such as illness, moving, etc.)
- Pay the nonrefundable family and student fees in full.
- Sign a Statement of Faith. Teachers and assistants commit to teaching only that which aligns to the statement of faith.
- Return all books provided by Apiary Collective Co. at the end of school year in good useable condition.
- Everyone will obey all community rules and regulations.
- Each participating parent will conduct him/herself with behavior, words and dress in a way that is Christ-like and honoring to God.
- Each student will address adults as Mrs./Mr. (First Name) as a sign of respect.
Communication and Social Media
- Each family will use the selected communication avenue. (Ex: homeschool-life.com, Telegram texting app, etc.)
- Parents are welcome to take pictures during community gatherings but may not post them on social media if they include the faces of individuals outside their immediate family. Apiary Collective will not post pictures of faces on its social media platforms either.
Each participating parent will:
- Be present and well-prepared to teach and/or assist lessons as assigned by Apiary Collective Co.
- Be responsible for finding a substitute teacher or assistant to cover assigned lessons if unable to attend a community gathering and to notify the Board of the plans.
- Arrive on time (no later than 8:50 am) and leave the building no later than 1:00 pm.
- Help with cleanup responsibilities.
- Supervise children at all times.
- Remain on campus for each class day. (If an urgent circumstance arises and I need to leave campus, I will first talk with a Board Member before I leave my child(ren) in the care of another adult.)
- Parents will be responsible and accountable for their children, including their actions. If a student intentionally or unintentionally breaks or damages church property, it will be the responsibility of the parent to resolve it.
- Teachers will inform parents at the beginning of the year (with a tentative schedule), or weekly on the Telegram app about any homework expectations for the following week. There is no homework for children up through 2nd grade. Third and fourth graders may have very limited homework, and 5th+ will have homework for several classes, though it mainly consists of reading chapters or writing a narration/drawing before the next lesson time.
- Parents will guide and assist their students as needed to complete their homework.
- Students will arrive prepared for lessons with all necessary homework, notebooks, books, pencils, other supplies, etc.
- When joining, families will commit to the entire school year.
- As is the nature of a co-op, all families involved depend on one another to carry the responsibilities of teaching our children. Thus, if anyone drops out, all families will be affected. Therefore we ask that you take enrollment in Apiary Collective Co. seriously.
Parental Compliance Agreement
- I (We), the parents of the above child(ren) fully satisfy the laws of the state in which I (we) currently reside, with all the rights and privileges as outlined in my (our) state’s homeschool laws. I (We) understand that I (we) am (are) primarily responsible for my (our) child’s education and that Apiary Collective Co. is a complementary service to my (our) homeschooling program.
Background Check
- Every parimary parent (the parent who attends community gatherings) will submit to a background check. This is a paper form that will be given to you to complete once the registration process is complete.
By clicking "I agree" below you are acknowledging you agree with and understand the responsibility of joining Apiary Collective Co. |
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Our goal is to provide a quality experience for each family at as low of cost as possible. All fees go directly into our community and are used for supplies, building and administration costs, and insurance. None of these fees are used to pay individuals.
Our 2024-2025 fee schedule is as follows:
Enrollment Fee
- $100 per family
- When a family is accepted into Apiary Collective Co., this non-refundable enrollment fee is due and will be deducted from total fees.
Family Fee
- $500 per family operational fee (less $100 Enrollment Fee)
- This fee covers the facility, liability insurance and background checks, as well as operating costs such as the website and legal filing fees.
Per Student Fee
- $150 per student curriculum and supply fee
- This fee covers the majority of the curriculum, materials and supplies needed. There will be a short list of general supplies for the student to bring each community gatherings (ex: composition notebook, nature notebook, pencils, colored pencils, etc.).
- In addition, Bumble Bees (3rd-4th grade), Mason Bees (5th-6th grade) and Carder Bees (7th-8th grade) will have 2-8 books they will need to personally purchase to read at home and use in class.
Additional Fees
- Apiary Collective Co. branded tee-shirts will be offered for a group order.
- There may be field trip fees or fees for specific events.
- Payment will be due in full on July 1st, 2024.
- Cash or check payment is preferred.
- Credit card payments will be accepted with a $25 credit card processing fee.
- All fees paid to Apiary Collective Co. are non-refundable.
Apiary Collective does not accept enrollment from families who have students enrolled in public charter schools (i.e. EPIC).
By clicking "I agree" you agree to the fee schedule, acknowledging all fees are non-refundable, even if for an unforeseen circumstance, you have to withdraw mid year. You also agree to pay the $100 non-refundable enrollment upon registration and the remaining fees in full 4 weeks before the first community gathering. |
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- If anyone in the family is sick in the last 24 hours, he/she will stay home. (Sick is defined but not limited to fever, colored snot, cough, diarrhea, vomiting, pink eye, contagious illness, lice, etc.)
- The primary parent is responsible for finding a substitute for their community gathering responsibility and letting the Director know who will be covering for them prior to the start of community gathering.
- In the event that an illness or injury befalls the child(ren), Apiary Collective Co. should first attempt to contact the parent and then the medical emergency individual to make arrangements for the child’s care. If none of those persons can be quickly located, or in the case of an emergency, I authorize a representative of Apiary Collective Co. to transport the child to a medical facility and make decisions on my behalf as to the treatment.
By checking 'I Agree' below, signing, and submitting this form, you, the Parents/Guardians of the above student(s), agree to the above statements. |
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- Obey your leaders and submit to their authority. They keep watch over you as men who must give an account. Obey them so that their work will be a joy, not a burden, for that would be of no advantage to you. Hebrews 13:17
- Be respectful of all adults. Politely address all teachers and parents using Mr./Mrs. (First Name).
- Obey all instructions quickly and cheerfully. If an adult corrects your behavior, receive the correction meekly.
- Be respectful of the church facility, its property, and the property of fellow homeschoolers.
- Be kind and treat other students the way you want to be treated.
- Do not talk when an adult is addressing the group.
- Do not use vulgar language or profanity at any time.
- Do not run or engage in horseplay in the hallways or classrooms.
General Required Student Conduct Statements
Classroom Behavior
- I understand I am expected to participate in class activities with a joyful attitude. I will avoid a negative and complaining attitude.
- I understand prompt and cheerful obedience is expected. I will not talk back or argue with teachers or other parents.
- I understand that I am expected to treat prayer and class discussion with proper reverence. Jokes, songs, or behavior that trivialize or exhibit disrespect towards God are not allowed. Presentation topics must be topics that are glorifying God and something I would talk about if He were present...because He is.
- I understand that as a sign of respect for the teacher and other students, I may not speak out of turn during class time and must raise my hand.
- I understand it is expected that I will work diligently, participate and concentrate while in class. I understand that clowning around and disruptive behavior is not allowed.
- I understand that I will come to class with my homework completed.
Safety and Expectations on Campus
- I understand that electronic musical devices, electronic games, and cell phones are not permitted to be used on campus (with the exception of necessary medical use). I understand that it is at the discretion of any teacher/parent on campus to confiscate any item deemed not appropriate to be on campus. Any items confiscated will be returned to my parents.
- I understand that weapons of any kind are not allowed on campus. This includes, but is not limited to, items such as guns, knives, bows and arrows, and mace.
- I understand presentation items must be kept in my backpack until they are to be used. All other trinkets, small games, toys, etc. should be left at home or in my family's vehicle. Fidget/squishy objects MAY be allowed, as long as they do not cause noise or disturb others.
- I understand all students must be accompanied by an adult at all times.
- I will be aware of and avoid the off-limit areas of the facility (i.e. stage, kitchen, church office, maintenance rooms), except when given express permission for a specific class.
- I will not play on or around cars in the parking lot.
- I will walk, not run, in the building.
- I understand that chewing gum is not allowed inside the church building.
- I understand I am expected to treat all class materials and facilities with respect and care.
- I will take responsibility if I cause any damage to the church facility, its property, and the property of fellow homeschoolers by notifying my parents and an adult in charge.
Respect for Others
- I understand that I am expected to treat others with kindness and respect. Teasing, criticizing, name-calling, and any form of verbal, written, or physical abuse are not allowed.
- I understand talking negatively behind people’s back is unkind. I will seek to honor and speak respectfully of all members of our group, whether parent, teacher or student, and refrain from gossip or negative remarks of any kind.
- I understand the importance of intentionally seeking to include others in activities or conversations within our group and avoid behavior that can be viewed as excluding others.
- I understand the importance of modesty and will seek to show respect, honor and wisdom in my clothing choices at Apiary Collective Co. functions. I will seek to dress in a way that shows respect to the opposite sex and does not purposely cause another to stumble. This includes wearing appropriate-length dresses, skirts, shorts, tops, and modest swimsuits, (i.e. no bikinis). No clothing containing slogans or images that are profane or go against biblical teaching is allowed.
Personal Integrity
- I will strive to pursue excellence in my academic work and be diligent to complete my assignments to the best of my ability, knowing my parents are ultimately my teachers and will guide/approve any decisions for modified or uncompleted assignments.
- I will pursue truthfulness and honesty in all my work.
- I will seek to do good when I have the opportunity, and to be of help and encouragement to others.
- I understand if any conflict arises between me and another student I will seek counsel from my parents and will seek to follow the biblical model for conflict resolution.
- I understand that as a believer, my body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, and I will honor it accordingly. I understand that substance use of any kind (ie: alcohol or drugs) will result in being removed from Apiary Collective Co. and all of its programs.
- I will respect all property belonging to others, including the church. I will not damage or take anything that does not belong to me.
- I recognize that I will be held responsible for my conduct, both in action and attitude, by my parents, teachers and those in authority at Apiary Collective Co.
Disciplinary Action
The following policy of correction and discipline will be in effect in all class settings: (The word “class” shall include all regular classes, assemblies, events, breaks and indoor/outdoor transition times).
- General Disciplinary Action: If a child’s behavior and/or attitude is deemed inappropriate or disruptive, and the child does not heed the authority or correction of the mentor/assistant, he/she will be removed from that class and placed in the care of his/her parent for the remainder of that lesson period.
- Severe Disciplinary Action: If a child’s behavior and/or attitude is deemed a severe discipline problem, meaning that he/she continually ignores the authority and correction of the mentor, repeatedly creates excessive disruptions, threatens or endangers another person via words or actions and/or prevents the mentor from reaching his/her objective, the child will be withdrawn from that lesson and any remaining lessons and placed in the care of his/her parent for the remainder of that community day.
Our family has read the Behavior and Discipline Agreement and understands the behavior expectations. By clicking "I AGREE" we indicate that we agree to abide by and submit to all rules as stated above. (by agreeing to this statement indicates BOTH parents and ALL family members participating in our community have read and understand this agreement). |
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We believe:
- There is one God, eternally existent in three Persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
- God is the literal creator of all that exists, both visible and invisible.
- Jesus Christ is God, born of a virgin, came in human flesh, being fully God and fully man, except without sin. Jesus Christ rose from the dead.
- The Holy Bible is the inspired, infallible, and authoritative Word of God.
- Man is by nature sinful and is inherently in need of salvation, which is exclusively found by faith alone in Jesus Christ and his shed blood. Christ's death provides substitutionary atonement for our sins.
- God created male and female, in His image to glorify Him. Marriage is a God ordained institution consisting of the union of one man and one woman.
- And how from childhood you have been acquainted with the sacred writings, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. 2 Timothy 3:15
- For from him and through him and to him are all things. To him be glory forever. Amen. Romans 11:36
- Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6
- The law of his God is in his heart; his steps do not slip. Psalm 37:31
- Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus. Philippians 2:2-5
- Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God. And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. Colossians 3:16-17
- So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God. 1 Corinthians 10:31
- You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. Deuteronomy 6:5-7
By checking the below box you acknowledge you have read and understand our statement of faith and will not teach anything contradictory to it. |
Payment Instructions
A $100 NON-REFUNDABLE Deposit Fee is due at the time of registration (the Deposit Fee will be deducted from your Family Fee). Your registration will be considered complete when the deposit is received. You can mail your deposit fee check or connect with Sarah if paying with cash. You will receive an email invoice with your balance due.
All checks can made out to Apiary Collective Co. and mailed to:
Apiary Collective Co.
C/O Sarah Koeltzow
9897 N 157th East Ave
Owasso, OK 74055