5. * |
Please list all children (including infants and toddlers) that you wish to enroll with their name, age, and grade at the start of the 2024-2025 school year. |
6. * |
Do you have children in your home you will not be enrolling in Apiary Collective Co.? Please explain. |
7. * |
Do any of your children have a medical diagnosis (food allergy, etc.) or challenge we need to be aware of? If yes, please explain. |
8. * |
Do any of your children have an educational diagnosis (ADHD, etc.) or an educational challenge we need to be aware of? If yes, please explain. |
9. * |
What has been your family’s school experience so far? Please mark all that apply. (1 required) |
10. * |
What was the educational method for each of your students for the 2023-2024 school year? |
11. * |
If you have homeschooled before, please explain your homeschool educational philosophy during that time. |
12. |
If you have been a part of a homeschool co-op before, what was your experience like? What was your favorite part of it and what was a deterrent for you? Why did you choose to no longer attend the homeschool co-op? |
13. * |
What is your familiarity with Charlotte Mason’s educational philosophy? (1 required) |
14. * |
If you use a Charlotte Mason educational philosophy, what does implementing a Charlotte Mason educational philosophy look like in your home? |
15. * |
What is your religious affiliation? We are a Christian homeschool co-op and have a Statement of Faith that all families must agree to. |
17. * |
Please select the choice about church attendance which most closely corresponds to your family: |
19. * |
Have you checked out our 2024-2025 Links page to see what we have planned for the upcoming school year? |
20. * |
What do you wish to gain from being a part of a Christian Charlotte Mason community gathering? |
21. * |
Will your family be involved in another homeschool program (such as EPIC, an online charter school, CC, or other co-op) for the 2024-2025 school year? |
23. * |
Apiary Collective meets at "Current Church" in Collinsville. Please select the region where you live: |
25. * |
How did you hear about Apiary Collective Co.? |
26. * |
Do you have any additional questions? |